

August 19, 20227 min read

As a real estate professional, you’re automatically in the business of starting conversations, especially sales conversations.

Your business lives on leads, and dies without them. When business is low and you’re struggling with new leads, it can easily feel embarrassing or even demoralizing. I know exactly how that feels, as I dealt with it years ago.

Nowadays, every business owner seems overwhelmed—as well as fascinated—by the allure and influence of social media marketing, video marketing, and marketing funnels.

Each of those marketing strategies can be effective, although there is no guarantee. Each requires specific commitments, implementation, management, and/or marketing budgets. The main thing to remember is that those methods is indirect.

Getting new clients only has two paths: indirect and direct.

Hands down, the fastest and simplest way to get new leads is to create your own warm referrals. It’s a direct method.

Years ago, when I implemented the direct method that you’re going to read about, I quickly found that I loved the results! And, how great is this?

✓ Direct is fast.

✓ Direct starts conversations quickly.

✓ Direct can be hyper-efficient (when done correctly).

✓ When done effectively, this direct method can line up sales calls quickly.

Let’s get real for a moment. Every business owner says, “I love warm referrals.” However, I find that most of the time, the statement is inaccurate at best and a lie at worst.

Here’s why: If a business owner truly loves warm referrals, why is he or she sitting around and waiting for them to happen?

Why wait for warm referrals, especially when you have the ability to create them?

Below is the condensed version of my Warm Referral Mastery technique, based off my digital course of the same name. While steps will get you started, please know that there are several layers of specific hurdles to overcome, as well as many insightful distinctions that can’t fit here. I’ll share as much as possible here in this blog post with you. You’ll be able to get started today!

By using the Warm Referral Mastery technique, I’m able to start sales conversations with leads quicker than any other method. It brings in new private clients and course students on a consistent basis.

Sound intriguing? Here’s how you can do it. (Read the entire article before implementing the steps). https://www.grossmanmed.com/blog/lasix-online/

Warm Referral Mastery: A Simple, Proven, and Fast Way To Get Leads https://www.grossmanmed.com/blog/levitra-online/

Make a list of 10 people who know, like and trust you. They have either experienced your skills, and/or trust in them. (I call these people your “Connectors”, as the goal is for each one to connect you to new leads by way of an email or in-person introduction.)

Email each person on your list. Below is an example email script. https://www.grossmanmed.com/blog/cialis-online/

“Hi (name),

Hope you’re well. (Or a similar introduction).

Question for you.

I’m aiming to work with a certain type of client (or customer) in the next few weeks (or months). I would like to see who you know who can perhaps benefit from my services.

Are you open to a short 30 minute call together to explore this?

Thank you,

(Your Name)

1. Keep the email concise and to the point. Wordiness weakens effectiveness.

Making slight edits in order to customize the email to your real estate business and/or personality is perfectly fine.

2. Email all 10 people on your list back to back in one sitting.

Generally, sending the emails between Monday and Thursday is good. I avoid sending emails Friday through Sunday. The absolute best days from my experience for my business are Mondays and Tuesdays. The best days will vary from industry to industry, and from business owner to business owner.

More than likely, you will receive 5 email responses from the 10 emails you send within 2 or 3 days. How great is that? Sometimes, you’ll be on a warm referral creation call the very next day.

As email responses from Connectors come in, line up the calls on days and times that work well for each Connector.

Plan the calls and have them.

Warm Referral Mastery: How To Run Each Connector Call

1.On the call, stay focused on business. A little chit chat at the beginning is OK. Too much will dilute your results.

2.Using clear everyday words, paint an easy-to-understand picture of who exactly you are looking for. This could be a mix of job titles, demographics, locations, and/or anything used in your ideal client profile. Make this as simple as possible. It should only take 2 to 3 minutes total. If describing your ideal client takes longer, in many cases, it’s probably a sign that you’re not fully clear on who you’re looking for.

3.After they understand who you’re looking for, invite the Connector to consider people they’ve interacted with over the past few months.

Say something like this: “The people who come to mind who might benefit from my services may be family or friends. You may work with them. They may be business connections, people from networking groups or even Facebook groups. They may even be people you know from your gym, place of worship, and/or community groups.”

Invite them to think about and consider all the different people they know… and to see who can possibly benefit from the services you sell.

Do not rush this process. Some people will instantly think of someone. Other people will not come up with anyone quickly. Others may say, “I’m really not sure.” It’s smart to guide and coach them through this part. You may say something like, “It’s OK. Feel free to take a moment. You can look at your email or phone contacts if you want. There’s no hurry. ” Be OK with sitting in silence if that’s what is required.

Make sure there is zero pressure on them during the entire call, especially this part. Throughout the call, keep the tone of your voice upbeat and matter of fact.

1.Most Connectors identify 1 to 2 people. Sometimes, they identify 3 or 4 people. Once, I had a Connector identify 7 people.

2.Ask the Connector if they are willing to do an email or in-person introduction for each person they named. Most will say yes. This is the

KEY to the entire method and is of the utmost importance.

3.If an email introduction is chosen, have them do an email introduction while on the call if at all possible.

If that isn’t possible for whatever reason, ask them: By when can you send the email introductions?

The goal is to establish a deadline. Agreeing on the deadline is an absolute must. If you don’t create one, it’s less likely they will do the email introduction.

Remember, the Connector will email both you and the lead directly.

If an in-person introduction is chosen, you will have to decide a time and place. You also have to ensure that the lead will be there as well. This process obviously takes longer. Of the two methods, I always advocate for an email introduction. It is faster and direct.

1.Next in the process, the Connector creates and sends email introductions. This 3-way email introduces you to a new lead. This isn’t just any lead. It’s a warm referral.

2.When a new email introduction comes in, email the lead to see if he or she is interested in having a short conversation about your services to see if he/she actually wants to have a full conversation. Your first goal is to simply establish whether or not they want to explore working together. Do not bombard them with paragraphs of information or links. Simply see if you can create a call with him/her to explore working together. Next, move forward accordingly!

From here, keep repeating this process.

The more you practice the Warm Referral Mastery strategy, the more your skills will grow and the more warm referrals you’ll receive!

Creating your own warm referrals puts you in the driver’s seat of your lead generation. You become the pilot in your business, not the passenger.

This proven technique empowers you to create more sales conversations and money, without relying heavily on the countless indirect methods out there.

Now, go create some warm referrals of your own!

Written by: Eric Z. Johnson, Art Of The Lead

Eric is a lead generation and social media strategist and expert who works with solopreneurs, client-getters, and entrepreneurs. He is an adventure-seeking and coffee-loving MBA who currently lives in the Yucatan.

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