Illinois law requires that all examinations for pre-license, post-license and continuing education be proctored at time of administration. As a result of your distance from our main office in Oak Brook, Illinois, it is necessary to provide you with a qualified proctor who will administer your final examination in compliance with school policy and regulations.

Although Inland Real Estate School has established relationships with proctors throughout the metropolitan area, we will consider a recommendation from you with regards to a proctor candidate. Acceptable proctors may include, staff member of an educational provider, trade organization, public library, an attorney or other professional, or such other party deemed acceptable to the School. The School reserves the right to reject any proctor that, in the opinion of the School, is unqualified or unwilling to assume said responsibilities. The proctor will sign an agreement acknowledging their compliance with school policy in the administration of the examination.

Upon completion of your reading assignment, it is your responsibility to contact the school office to establish a proctor who will administer your final exam. Upon establishment of the relationship, you will be notified by e-mail of the name, address and phone number of the selected proctor. You will then contact that person directly to schedule your examination.

The proctor will be provided with all testing materials, instructions on how to administer the exam and instructions on the return of the exam documentation to the school office. The Proctor is not authorized to score nor review your examination with you. Upon return of the completed examination, it will be scored by the school administrator and you will be notified by e-mail of the results.

Unless otherwise indicated all exams shall be closed book. The proctor shall insure the integrity of the exam and maintain a quiet environment free from all books, notes, cell phones, discussions between the candidate and others, candidate leaving the test facility, texting messages, as well as copying or taking notes as to the content of the examination. Any willingness to allow cheating or misconduct is a violation of School policy as well as the law and shall automatically disqualify your examination and may subject you and the proctor to disciplinary action by the regulatory agency of the state.

All exams are timed exams. The proctor shall assume responsibility to ensure the student is not given more than the time allocated for the designated examination.

Upon completion of the exam, it is the proctor's responsibility to collect the test material and return the completed answer sheet along with signed certifications to the school via email. The proctor shall not grant access to the test materials after completion of the examination.

School policies regarding use of a Proctor

1. The proctor shall be engaged by written agreement and shall be considered a representative of the school

2. The proctor shall complete a "Proctor Registration" form providing necessary contact information

3. The proctor can e-mail or fax the completed registration form to the School office

4. No examination materials will be provided to the proctor until the School has received and accepted the proctor registration form

5. Upon acceptance of the proctor’s registration, the school shall forward to the proctor:

a. Contact information for the exam candidate

b. The examination booklet(s) and answer sheets or access code for online examination

6. The time and location of the exam shall be established by mutual agreement between proctor and examinee

7. The location selected shall provide a quiet environment with adequate lighting and workspace for the candidate’s use. The proctor shall use his/her best efforts to reduce and/or eliminate any distractions that may interfere with the candidate’s ability to concentrate and complete the exam.

8. At the time of the exam, the Proctor shall:

a. Confirm the identity of the candidate

b. Copy the photo identification of the candidate which shall be sent to the School with the completed examination

c. Remain within the examination room for the entire time granted to the candidate to complete the exam

d. Administer the exam in accordance with School policy

9. Upon completion of the exam by the candidate, the Proctor shall:

a. Collect the test booklet(s), answer sheets and scratch paper from the candidate

b. Confirm the answer sheet has been completed correctly by the candidate with the required information

c. Email the exam and certification page back to the school within 24 hours of the completion of the exam

Proctor Registration

Proctor hereby acknowledges:

1. Distance learning is an educational concept that allows candidates to complete a program examination from a remote location

2. They are willing to be engaged, under a written agreement, as the representative of Inland Real Estate School in the administration of the examination

3. They will ensure the examinee completes the exam in a fair and unbiased manner in accordance with school policy

4. They are not related to the candidate either by marriage or blood and agree to represent Inland Real Estate School, Inc. (School) by ensuring the candidate has completed the examination as prescribed by the program’s policies and rules

5. The School reserves the right to rescind any approval granted to a proctor should, in the opinion of the School, the proctor be deemed unqualified to assume said responsibilities

6. The right to proctor an exam has been established by mutual consent of the School and the proctor

7. The School shall assume full and exclusive responsibility for grading the exam and notifying the candidate of the results. The proctor is not expected nor permitted to explain the content of the exam to the candidate.

School procedures:

1. Upon receipt of the signed agreement from the proctor, the School will provide the proctor with:

a. Contact information of the examinee

b. The paper-based examination and blank answer sheet or logon information including passwords to the on-line examination

2. The candidate shall be given instructions to contact the Proctor and schedule a time and place to take the examination

3. The time and location of the exam shall be set by mutual agreement between proctor and examinee

4. The Proctor shall insure the integrity of the exam and maintain a quiet environment free from all books, notes, cell phones, discussions between the candidate and others, candidate leaving the test facility, texting messages, as well as copying or taking notes as to the content of the examination booklet. Any willingness to allow cheating or misconduct is a violation of School policy as well as the law and shall automatically disqualify the candidate’s examination and may subject the candidate and Proctor to disciplinary action by the regulatory agency of the state.

5. Unless otherwise indicated, all exams shall be closed book

6. At the time of the exam, the Proctor shall:

a. Confirm the identity of the candidate

b. Copy the photo identification of the candidate which shall be sent to the School with the completed examination

c. Remain within the examination room for the entire time granted to the candidate to complete the exam

d. Administer the exam in accordance with School policy

7. All exams are timed exams. The Proctor shall assume responsibility to ensure the student is given not more than the time allocated for the designated examination.

8. Upon completion of the exam by the candidate, the proctor shall:

a. Collect the test booklet(s), answer sheets and scratch paper from the candidate

b. Confirm the answer sheet has been completed correctly by the candidate with the required information

c. Have the examinee sign the “Exam Confirmation” form

d. Email the package back to the school within 24 hours of the completion of the exam

Proctor testimonial

I fully acknowledge having read the above rules and process requirements. Any violation will result in the invalidation of the exams and penalties under law. Proctor also certifies that they are a disinterested third party, not related to the licensee by blood or marriage, over the age of 21, speaks English, and will abide by the and follow the rules and procedures stated above.

Proctor Acknowledgment:
Proctor Contact Information:

A Professional Studies Institute, Inc. Company

Not affiliated with the Inland Real Estate Group of Companies ♦ The Inland name is used under license.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE – This document and its contents is the property of Professional Studies Institute, Inc. DBA Inland Real Estate School, Inc.

All rights, whether in print or electronic form, are hereby reserved. © Copyright, Professional Studies Institute, Inc., 2016